Gustavus Human Resources: 10 Steps to Going Green at Work Posted on January 3rd, 2018 by

Happy New Year!

Are you looking for ways to make small, yet impactful changes for 2018? Here are a few easy ways to “green up” your office work environment at Gustavus.



  1. Turn off your computer and monitor(s) at the end of each day. Better yet, if easy to unplug, do that too. Even when devices are turned off, they continue to pull electricity all night.
  2. Print judiciously. Use double-sided printing whenever possible, reformat papers to put that last paragraph on the same sheet, scan documents and share rather than providing paper print outs.
  3. Reuse file folders, boxes and all other office supplies. Call around to other departments who may have a surplus in something that you may need.
  4. When shipping, reuse packaging materials. Save packaging that comes into your department if possible for future reuse. Check in with the Book Mark or the Post Office for reusable packing materials.
  5. Whenever possible, use digital delivery methods. Electronic payments and emailed scans save labor, postage and paper costs.
  6. Cut out junk mail and paper subscriptions. Share paper subscriptions and ask for your name to be removed from mailing lists that are no longer applicable.
  7. Incorporate plants into your space. Improve air quality and physical space by adding a plant in your area.
  8. Keep reusable mugs and silverware handy. Cut back on costs and waste of disposable plates/utensils by keeping a set handy for your personal use.
  9. Avoid bottled water. Take a walking break to the Marketplace to fill up on water through the dispenser rather than polluting with plastic water bottles.
  10. Turn off office lights, extraneous appliances, and other electrical items when not in use. Remove any appliance (personal refrigerators, coffee machines, etc.) that are unnecessary.




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